Saturday 3 January 2009

All Must Go!

The press is reporting the fall of Woolworths. People are saying that they used the shop regularly. Clearly not enough of us did; otherwise it wouldn't be closing - or should they have charged more for their products? Either way, it is too late now so there is no point in crying about it.

More to the point, we should be looking to the future. My family did much of their Christmas shopping on the internet this year. Why? Because its easier, cheaper, more convenient, delivery to your door, etc. Who, in their right mind, wants to drive into town (no convenient buses where we live), get delayed in traffic with like minded people, having to queue to park the car, having to pay to park the car, having to put up with the foul-mouthed shrieks of ill mannered children/parents/youths, having to dodge traffic, having to try several shops for the thing that you want because they don't have what you want or the size (I buy underwear for my wife), to carry my purchases back to the car, pay Colchester Borough Council for the pleasure of parking my car (whilst being informed that all risks are mine), getting back into the traffic jams - and then driving home?

Look to the future. Woolies has gone the way that more will follow. Until CBC realises that our shopping experience (yuk PC phrase) is made easy by either Park and Ride or free parking, people will avoid the town unless they have to. We have lost Zavvi now too and things are looking bleak for a few others. Look at how many pubs have closed in the town when you can buy beer in Sainsbugs at a third the price and avoid a punchup by drinking at home.

It is my prediction that, in 10 years time, CBC will have woken up to reality, the town will be a joyful place to visit, for leisure rather than for shopping, parking will be cheap and easy and traffic jams will be a thing of the past.

The big question is, has this council got the balls to get things moving in this direction - or do we need a new thinking council in place?


Anonymous said...

Make your mind up, you slate the VAF yet want CBC to turn the town into a leisure place! Surely the VAF would be one of the main reasons to visit along with the castle. You are right about the ruling coalition in the town hall and I never thought that I would see the day when the council was being run by a party with only 7 councillors total working with a party who in the past they have been accused of physically assaulting and who previously you could not mention in their prescence! Oh well, given the taste of power all principles go out of the window I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making a response to my blog. You are the first - and perhaps the last. I am sorry if you think that I am slating the VAF. It is not my intention at all. I want it to be finished, I want it to have a proper name that reflects us and I want it to be asuccess that we can all be proud of. Sadly, wanting something and achieving something are two very different things, the latter beyond my control - sadly!